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Come From Away and Pay it Foward 9/11

Eleanore Jenks

Above: The song sung by Chad Kimball, who portrays Kevin T in Come From Away

One of the people portrayed in the hit Broadway musical Come From Away is Kevin Tuerff, as he inspired the character of Kevin T who is currently played by Chad Kimball.

The real Kevin T was incredibly moved by the kindness he experienced during his time in Gander on 9/11 and the days following, prompting him to write a memoir about the experience and begin the Pay it Forward 9/11 movement, about reclaiming the day as one to do something good for other people, as the people of Gander did for him and the rest of the 7,000 people he was stranded with. He encourages people to complete three random acts of kindness every 9/11 and encourage others to the same.

In an interview The Star, he said that his experience ultimately led him to a new calling, advocating for immigrants and refugees, after he discovered that the people of Gander were sponsoring several families.

Come From Away stands as a reminder of the kindness that happened in Gander, kindness that not many know about. The cast also encourages people to Pay it Forward, inviting them to live out the spirit of love and kindness that the show embodies.

17 years later, it's important to think about what we can do to pay it forward, and spread a message of kindness on a day that is largely associated with fear and hate.

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